This is a wool diaper cover skirtie that is used over cloth diapers. Mom's that use cloth diapers use the wool to create a barrier so that baby & bedding etc. don't get wet. The wool will absorb the wetness & keep baby warm & dry. This is what mom's used before plastic was invented. The diaper covers come in an assortment of colors & styles. Skirties are for baby girls of course. Covers must be 100% wool but that is the only requirement. Any color or color combination will make a beautiful diaper cover. I love to mix & match colors for my covers. I get a great deal of pleasure from making them & also love when mom's send me a pix of baby wearing my cover.
We have had some sun for the last few days. It is hard to stay inside & knit when the weather is sooo nice. I do like to work outside in the yard. Before my breast cancer I always had a big vegetable garden every year. Hope I can get back into that some day. But for now, I am grateful to be able to sit outside & enjoy the sunshine.
Time for my little dog to go in for her boosters. She does not like going to the vet. She is more than happy to jump in the car to go for a ride, but when we get to the vet she will refuse to leave the car. Poor baby. I feel like doing the same thing everytime I have to go too.