Here are a couple of 'Cut & Sew' neck templates for crew necks. When I have the chance to sit down for a bit I am going to walk you through making your own templates with the 'KnitWare' program. You should be able to save this to your hard drive & print it out on card stock, then cut it out to use.
This blog is about machine knitting, hand knitting, sewing, machine embroidery, & other things that happen to me in my day to day existence. My favorite thing to knit is a stripped raglan crew neck pullover & make a lot of them for the children in the shelter here in the Pacific Northwest. I also make wool sweaters for the 'Afghans for Afghans" charity program. Feel free to email me at
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Cut & Sew Neck Finished
Here is the finished cut & sew neckline. The picture on the left is the knit side & the picture on the right is the purl side. The neck looks just as good on the purl side as it does on the knit side. This neck came out perfectly shaped & looks great. Now I need to join the sleeves & make up.
"Merry Christmas All"
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Onward with the Cut & Sew
Here is the neckband for the sweater, & the sweater hanging on my machine. I knitted the neckband separately, with waste yarn on either side. After I cut out my neck I rehung the sweater, just under the rows of stitching, on the machine with the right side facing me, easing in any fullness. Then, I brought all the needles out to holding position. I rehung one neckband side into the hooks on the machine, closed all the latches & pulled the stitches through the neckline. Then I brought the needles out to holding position again, making sure that the cut edge of the neckline was underneath the needles. Rehang the other side of the neckband & push the stitches behind the latches. When I am binding off a crew neck I will bind off over 2 gate pegs, but since this is a scoop neck you can just bind off normally, making sure that you don't drop any stitches while doing that. You should wind up with an attractive neckline that is even all the way around the neck.
I have a neurological condition called tardive dyskinesia. The doctors don't know why I have it. Maybe related to all the breast cancer treatments that I took, maybe something else. Anyway, it causes tremors & involuntary muscle movements. When I am having a bad day it is impossible for me to bind off anything because I will drop stitches all over the place. My biggest fear is that I will deteriorate so much that I am unable to do my crafts. I will bind off this neckline as soon as I settle down a bit.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Lopsided Cut & Sew Necks.
Here is an example of a lopsided cut & sew neckline. If you check the neckline before you cut it, this should not happen. Even if you are just starting to learn the 'cut & sew' method you don't have to worry about this if you measure, measure, & measure. You can't expect perfect necklines in the beginning but measuring makes all the difference. When the neck is lopsided like this it does show when you are wearing the garment. If you have a beautiful sweater that has a lopsided neckline you will never be satisfied with. This sweater is gorgeous but the neckline takes away so much. I made this sweater for a customer & was so disatisfied with it I picked it out & redid it for her.
I read many blogs that are so interesting & they just go on & on about all the things happening in that person's life. I wish I had that much to talk about but it is all I can do to bang out a couple of paragraphs per week.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Some 'Cut & Sew' information
Here on the left you can see where I have drawn my neckline. You can see the yarn tags at the first & last neck stitches. I did not have a big enough template so I printed out a template from the 'KnitWare' program. (You can do that for any size neck if you have the program. I will describe that in another post.) I marked the neckline with washable marker in a contrasting color. Then I sewed 2 rows of zig zag stitching on the marked line. I was very careful to not pull or stretch the neckline while I was sewing it. You can put some tissue paper or embroidery backing behind the neck if you want to. I don't do that anymore as I have learned to sew without stretching the fabric. Before you cut, be sure to eyeball the neck to make sure it is even on both sides. You want them to match as closely as possible. You do not want one side higher or deeper than the other side. I used to measure them before I cut, that might be a good idea for the first couple that you do. Then, with a pair of sharp scissors I carefully cut just inside the marked line.
We had some snow here for a few days. It is unusual for us to get snow more than every 3-4 years. I am from Iowa so I do enjoy the feel of the cold air & snow. But not every year & not all winter long. LOL We have lots & lots of rain in Western Washington so that took a bit of getting used to.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Colder Weather
This is a sweater set that I made for my g'son. The hat I knitted on the 'Kniffy Knitter' loom, and the sweater on my Silver Reed SK 860 in Red Heart Kids yarns. I like the RH Kids yarn the best for children's because it is sooo soft & not stiff & itchy like some of the RH yarns. He seems to like the worsted weight yarns the best. That is what he always picks out when he is getting a new sweater. His teacher asked me to make a set in red for her son so I will be working on that for the next few days.
I am still working on the GC scoop neck sweater for my DD. I will be cutting out the neck soon & I want to take some pictures for you. I have been very busy with the holidays etc. but have not deserted you. I will post pictures of the neck when I draw it on the sweater front, & then after I sew & cut it. I use a washable marker for that because I can see it better than the 'taylor's chalk'. I have seen some cut & sew directions where the neckline is basted, then cut but I think my way is better. I do 2 rows of zig zag around the marked edge & then cut the neck out. I ease the neck onto the machine & knit the neck ribbing.
I am still working on the GC scoop neck sweater for my DD. I will be cutting out the neck soon & I want to take some pictures for you. I have been very busy with the holidays etc. but have not deserted you. I will post pictures of the neck when I draw it on the sweater front, & then after I sew & cut it. I use a washable marker for that because I can see it better than the 'taylor's chalk'. I have seen some cut & sew directions where the neckline is basted, then cut but I think my way is better. I do 2 rows of zig zag around the marked edge & then cut the neck out. I ease the neck onto the machine & knit the neck ribbing.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Doll Clothes with KnitWare
A while back I made some doll clothes with the KnitWare program for my friends little girl. KnitWare Basics is a super program for doll clothes, teddy bear clothes etc. She has 3 programs for knitwear, Sweaters, Skirts & Basics. You can pretty much find a pattern for any size doll. I love all her programs & have all 3 of them. They work great on 'Windows 7' 32 bit so I can continue to use them after upgrading my computer. They do not work on 64 bit versions so make sure which version you buy when you move up.
A few posts ago I mentioned that I am having trouble with my Brother 965i not sensing the Garter Carriage on the right side of the machine. It caused the GC lamp to go out when the GC pasted that sensor & it mis-patterned across the bed. I took out my spare GC & tried it with that one & it did the same thing so I knew it was the 965i & not the GC. I do have an extra board for the machine but don't want to use it unless I have to as I doubt that I could find another one now. I removed the board from the machine & used my computer vac to clean it off. I did this without removing any wires, but I did check to make sure the wires were on tight, & they were. Then I put it back into the machine & set it to pattern for 50 rows. Problem solved!! The machine is patterning great again & I am back to knitting with the GC.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Another Cut & Sew Neck Template
Here is another type of neck template for your 'cut & sew' projects. I bought these at a yard sale some years ago for $2. I am only showing one, but I have 4 adult size templates & 4 children's size templates. I don't think these are available anymore. They are made by 'Hallandall's'. I did Google them to see if I could find any of them for sale but nothing came up. These are very useful as you can make crew necks & also scoop necks. I use washable marker to mark my necks as I found that the Taylor's chalk doesn't show up well, or falls of while you're trying to sew the neck. After the neck is marked I do 2 zig-zag rows around the marked line. Try not to stretch out the neckline as your sewing. Then I cut the neck out & hang the cut neck edge on the machine easing the fullness in across the row. I knit 1 row of stocking stitch across the neck & transfer sts for 1x1 rib, or whatever combination I am using . I am going to take a pix of the neck before I cut it so you can get some idea of how it is supposed to work. I do have a video recorder & will try to get it set up at some point to be able to show this in more detail.
While my DIL was pregnant we made a stack of baby clothes in 100% wool DK. The weather is finally cool enuff for baby to wear them. When we put them on him he seemed happy & was smiling & cooing. Then, when we took them off he had a rash. We dabbed him with a little spot of lanolin & sure enuff, it made a rash. Our little darling is allergic to wool!! We are all sooo bummed out over this development. My DIL packed up the clothes to save for the next one, that hopefully will be able to wear them.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Carl Boyd Neck Template for 'Cut & Sew" Necks.

"Carl Boyd Neck Templates If you are someone who likes to "cut and sew" your necks, we have secured a stock of Carl Boyd's famous neck template to take the worry out of marking your work. This template is so easy to use, just lay the template on your knitting and mark around the smooth, sturdy edge with dressmakers chalk and you have a perfect pattern to cut out. The template has instructions for different widths and depths of round necklines and instructions are also included for "vee" necks. Made from sturdy plastic this template will last you a lifetime and is an absolute must for all your cut and sew necklines."
Friday, October 22, 2010
Machine Knit Baby Clothes

I have some beautiful baby clothes to show off today. My friend sells them on her website She also makes lovely christening gowns. She recieved a large order for 6 outfits. The order turned out to be for the womans baby dolls. They are so realistic looking that I'm not sure I would have realized it if she hadn't told me. Anyway, I thought you might be interested in seeing one of them.
I have been working on the sweater for my daughter. I want to do a cut & sew neck . It is knit on the GC in bright yellow. When I get the neck cut out I will take some pictures for you on how to do a cut & sew neck. I have several neck templates for different sizes & am going to show them to you. I also have a Carl Boyd cut & sew neck template that is still available online. I will be putting up a link to his site on my next post.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wool Diaper Cover Skirtie for Baby Girls

This is a wool diaper cover skirtie that is used over cloth diapers. Mom's that use cloth diapers use the wool to create a barrier so that baby & bedding etc. don't get wet. The wool will absorb the wetness & keep baby warm & dry. This is what mom's used before plastic was invented. The diaper covers come in an assortment of colors & styles. Skirties are for baby girls of course. Covers must be 100% wool but that is the only requirement. Any color or color combination will make a beautiful diaper cover. I love to mix & match colors for my covers. I get a great deal of pleasure from making them & also love when mom's send me a pix of baby wearing my cover.
We have had some sun for the last few days. It is hard to stay inside & knit when the weather is sooo nice. I do like to work outside in the yard. Before my breast cancer I always had a big vegetable garden every year. Hope I can get back into that some day. But for now, I am grateful to be able to sit outside & enjoy the sunshine.
Time for my little dog to go in for her boosters. She does not like going to the vet. She is more than happy to jump in the car to go for a ride, but when we get to the vet she will refuse to leave the car. Poor baby. I feel like doing the same thing everytime I have to go too.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Garter Stitch Baby Blankets

A fun thing to make on the Knitting Machine is a baby blanket. I have lots of patterns for baby blankets, both for the garter carriage & in tuck or fairisle patterns, lined & unlined. They are the perfect baby gift. And something that you made yourself is always fun to give. While my DIL was expecting JR she made blankets for him from a super wash wool that is King Cole DK. The blankets are non-itchy & light weight but warm. I buy the King Cole yarn from the US supplier in Seattle WA. For a while I carried it in my store, but I am sooo busy with my diaper covers, KnitKnacks for Baby, I just didn't have the time to continue with it.
I have 2 KG 93 Garter Carriages, & on one of them, the turn around cam is going out. I checked with Knit & Sew World to repair & rebuild it & he says around $350. It has a lot of wear on it & I wouldn't want to just fix the turn around cam & not rebuild the whole machine as parts are getting hard to find. In the future parts might not be available to fix it at all. I have heard some negative things about this web site , but my experience with it has been positive. I did buy another GC from him for my punchcard machine & am very happy with it. I have mentioned several other knitting shops that are equally as good such as Needle-Tek & KnitKNack Shop.
All the workers are gone & the house looks great. I bit spendy but well worth it. Now, hope I won't have to do that again for a while!!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Our New Baby!!

Our new baby is growing up already. He laughs & smiles & seems to know who are his mommy & daddy are. He is completely 100% breast feed & is gaining weight just like he should. He is not happy when it's time for a visit to the doctor, but immunizations are sooo important. He is 4 months & can roll over & is trying to get his knees under himself so maybe he will start crawling before long. He is in a warmer part of the country but g'ma can't resist sending a couple of light weight sweaters for chilly nights.
My daughter did not like the color of the raspberry swatch that I made. She picked out a different yarn, a bright yellow Piropo, that I am making into a long sleeved, scooped neck. pullover. It is knitting on the Garter Carriage & is pattern # 471. As I said before, Piropo is the ideal weight yarn for this area. Millor has d'cd all it's yarn but a very similar yarn is available from the "KnitKnack Shop." The Sport is the equivalent of the Piropo. Trenzi is the equivalent of the Trenzado. Both yarns have nylon in them & wash & wear forever. I also like the way that the nylon catches the light & almost twinkles. The KnitKnack Shop has other yarns by Tamm, & are the importer for Tamm yarns in the USA.
Just a note. Everyone meeds a Garter Bar. The standard gauge garter bars are fairly easy to come by, but for many years it has been impossible to get garter bars for the mid gauge or bulky machines without paying ridiculous sums for them. KrisKrafters has new garter bars available for every machine out there. These are new manufactor. You can buy the needle stoppers too. Please take a look. We all need to support our vendors as much as possble. Diana Sullivan has a wonderful Garter Bar Course on her site that is awesome.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Garter Carriage Sweater for Me!!

It seems that I am always knitting for someone else. Either one of my charities, or kids, or g'kids etc. I have bins full of Trenzado in my garage that I use for them. Now I decided to make some things for myself as it has been a while since I've made anything for me. Millor yarns wear like iron. I can't remember one actually wearing out, altho occasionally one of the kids will snag a thread & pull it out. Usually I can fix it so it isn't a major catastrophe. (Millor has D'cd it's yarn) I like my sweaters to be hip length & looser fit. I know the sweater in the pix looks huge but it isn't. I just have a very small dress form for pix. It is a size 42" with a comfortable sizing, pattern worked up with KnitWear. I have had Breast Cancer so like all my clothes to have a higher neck as the surgeon went up to my collar bone to remove the affected tissues. This is pattern 489 for the GC in the Stitch World book. It is a cut & sew neck with half length sleeves. I do have Designa Knit 7 but unfortunately haven't learned it as well as I should. I have the 5 books by Tricia Schaffer from the KnitKnacks Shop that is a beginner course on DAK, & am slowly working my way thru it. I say slowly because I have had it for a couple of years & just haven't buckled down & studied it like I should.
I am worried about my Brother 965i. Lately when I use the GC it works fine for a while, then the GC light that is on the machine goes out as the GC is moving from right to left. Then the GC starts to mis-pattern. It has happen several times now. I am going to talk to Jerry at Needletek & see if he has any ideas about what is going on with it.
The construction workers are still here painting & patching. We had a leaky roof so the ceiling in the kitchen had to be replaced. It has rained the last few days so they haven't been able to finish painting the outside yet, but the house is looking better every day!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
New Sweater for My Daughter
This is a swatch for a wool sweater for my daughter. It is going to be a scoop neck & long sleeves. For those of you with a GC it is pattern #483.The wool is King Cole DK Superwash. This wool can be machine washed on gentle & then dried flat. I wash these with Eucalan & usually wait 'til I have enough for a full load. My daughter doesn't like to hand Wash anything so this is a good yarn for her. We both have drying racks from Wal-Mart(where else) that we use to hang & dry this wool on. It is a soft wool that is not scratchy or irritating. I knit it on Tension 8 on the GC. It makes up into a very warm sweater. I have used this yarn to make up the 'Dutch Fisherman's Sweater' & it is beautiful if I do say so myself. I will get a pix of it so that I can post it in another post. I do love this yarn.
We are having some work done on the house. We decided to paint & found a window that is about ready to fall out so need to get that fixed ASAP. The crew is coming tomorrow to start work & hopefully it won't take too long to fix. The window that is bad is the one in my knitting room so I won't be able to go in there 'til they are finished. Then we are having the house painted . It will be white with blue trim. We have paid this house off twice, but have had to borrow against it for repairs.
Also, had the car in the shop for repairs. We had a very hot summer for this area of the country & my AC went out. I am thinking about buying a new car in the next few months but am waiting to see if business picks up any.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Longbed Knitting Machine

This is the longbed knittiing machine from Canada. I bought it from Peter Smith's store. It is a punchcard machine & has 272 needles rather than the usual 200 on a standard gauge machine. It is modeled after the Brother KH 860 punchcard machine. It comes with the ribber, altho that isn't shown in the picture. It will operate with either the KG 88 Or KG 88ll Garter Carriage. I bought the KG 88 but haven't had the chance to get it going. I had to buy some extra rails for the machine as the ones for the KH 860 are only 200 needles wide. I managed to get a couple of extra ones from Ebay but don't have them cut down just yet. I haven't used the machine yet, other than to run the carriage back & forth some. My next big buy is going to be the bulky longbed machine that is modeled after the Brother KH 260 punchcard machine. It has 150 needles rather than the 110 of the Brother KH 260. I haven't worked a punchcard machine in years so this will be a learning experience for me.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Help Blogs & Videos
This is a set that I sold in my store. I have sooo many cute baby clothes. I miss making all of them & am trying to get some listed as I want to make them again. I love the baby clothes for using up partial cones. I still have my baby doll model. Now that we have a new baby in the family I have been knitting for him every chance I get.
When I look at some of the other knitting blogs they have lots of 'how too' video's & directions. I would like to be able to do that too but so far I haven't had the time. My store is picking up now that winter is coming & mom's are ordering longies for their little ones. I was hoping to sell some footies too, but nothing has come thru for any yet.
I have gotten a 'new to me' Garter Carriage. It is a rebuilt KG-88. I understand that this GC does not cast on, but that should be okay. Some time ago I bought a KH-860 Brother Clone punchcard longbed machine. It has 272 needles rather than just the 200 that the regular standard gauge machine has. I bought it so I could make bigger baby blankets for my store. I can also make smaller designs in a larger size that would take too many needles on a regular size machine. I found some extra rails on eBay & am going to cut them down to fit the machine. I have it set up in my knitting room but haven't knitted a thing on it & it has been sitting there for close to a year with the dust cover over it. I haven't used a punchcard machine in ages so will have to learn that first. The stand is very sturdy but I had to get a piece of plywood so I could get the machine on it. It took some doing but is ready to knit when I get the time. I have never used a GC on a punchcard machine either so that is also new for me.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
UFO"S (Unfinished Objects)
This is a GC sweater that I started for my g'son some time ago. I haven't a clue as to why it wound up as a UFO?? I really did intend to finish it before he out grew it, but that never happened. Now it will go into the charity box unless I can find some one else that it will fit. It is made from Piropo, a sport weight yarn, designed with the KnitWare program. It has drop shoulder sleeves & a cut & sew neck. All it needed when it was put aside was the neckband & to be sewn up. It didn't take long to do but somehow it was forgotten. I am going thru my UFO bin & taking all my UFO's out & am going to finish them before I start on anything else. I promise??!!
We have rain again. The summer sun has left us & it looks like cloudy days are in our future for quite a while. I will miss my mornings out on the deck. My dog gets cabin fever during the rainy season as she can't play outside when it raining. She asks to go out, then runs right back in when she sees the rain. She will play that game all day long if I go along with it.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

These are called footies. They are 100% wool & used as a diaper cover with feet. They are great for night time when the weather is cooler. When I make these, I knit the pants first, then flip them over & knit a sock on the bottom. The pattern is designed using KnitWare. They are very popular in the winters months for toddlers & babies. I'm hopeing that business will pick up as it doesn't seem the economy is rebounding even tho I read in the paper that is a fact??!!
Our summer weather is staying with us for a while. It is sooo nice to have the sun shinning & a warm breeze. I enjoy going out on my deck to drink my morning coffee when the weather cooperates!! For the sun to be shining in August is unusal for western WA.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Olivia's New Woolies
This is Olivia. She is wearing her new diaper cover & seems to enjoy it. I love it when Mom's send me pictures of baby wearing the cover I made for them. I have a special page on my web site that is dedicated to my babies in their covers.
My store has been very slow due to the economy I suppose. Several friends report the same with their sites. I miss all the busy work to get my orders filled. I like to knit every day so am working on charity garments when I don't have orders. Also, love to shop for yarn as much as I love knitting it. I am making some sweaters for family too & will post pix when they are finished.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
For My Store

This is a garment that I made for my store. It is a Forest Green Longie for a 2 yr old. It is a wool diaper cover designed to wick the water away from baby's wet cloth diaper into the soaker. It keeps baby drier than disposables & is better for the environment as landfills are full of dirty diapers. I have been making soakers for over 6 years now & enjoy it very much. This garment was designed with KnitWare Basic by Great Knit Designs. I sell cute Tee Shirts to go with the covers & let Mom choose which free transfer she wants from my web site. I also have lots of embroidery designs that can be chosen. I enjoy this activity very much. When I am not busy in my store I do my charity knitting.
Our weather here has been sunny & bright for the past couple of weeks. We don't get this kind of weather every summer so it is a pleasure when we do. Mostly we get rain, & more rain. That's why they call us the 'Evergreen State.'
I am going to start doing some volunteer work next month. I will be driving elderly clients to doctor's appointments & going grocery shopping for them. Maybe some light housework. I am very much looking forward to starting. I am kept pretty busy with my store & charity knitting but I like being busy. I am the kind of person that can't just sit down & watch TV etc. I need some hand work to do so I don't feel like I'm wasting time. LOL
Saturday, July 17, 2010

We had such a nice day today that it was a pleasure to be outside. Here in Western Washington we get more than our fair share of rain. I'm not complaining, but sunny days are nice too.
This is a Garter Carriage sweater that I made for my DIL. It is a sport weight yarn. Millor Piropo that is just right for our rainy weather. It is a cut & sew round neckline with drop shoulder sleeves. Usually for GC or Fairisle sweaters I use cut & sew as it is sooo much easier that doing decrease on the pattern. Most of my sweaters are made from Piropo as it seems to be the perfect weight for this area. I do also use other weights of yarn like worsted or fingering but Piropo is my favorite. My DIL is from a warmer climate & misses all the sunny days that she had at home.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Another sweater for the Women's Shelter
This sweater I made from Red Hearts Solid Kids. It is a nice soft yarn, softer than most of the RH line. It comes in bright colors that a small child will enjoy. I have so much fun making sweaters for the shelter. One time, when I was in WalMart, I saw a little boy wearing one of my sweaters & hat. He looked so cute I wanted to pick him up & hug him!!
I am going to start work on the fairisle sweater that I want to make but haven't had the time to get too. It will be alot of fun I think as I love the beautiful fairisle designs that came with my machine. I use the small designs for children so little fingers don't get caught in the floats. I have alot of Brother designs too, & have uploaded some of them to DAK so that I can make them on my Silver Reed machine. My Brother 965i is not connected to my computer. I would love to hook it up but would have to get a longer cable for it. Irene says that the longer the cable the more likely that the connection will fail. I am going to give it a try anyway & hope for the best.
Friday, July 9, 2010

Today I worked on my web site. I bought some new appliques' for my tees that I sell there. I sell my tees in sizes 6 months - 4T.
I had some cross stitch machine embroidery that I did on tees for my g'son. I wasn't satisfied with the way they looked so went to Holly for some much needed advice. She was able to sort out the problem. Isn't the internet wonderful?? When you have a problem there is always someone to help solve it. They have lots of cute embroidery designs & I love to go there & just browse.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Here is a winter set of sweater & pants for a 12 month old baby & is for my g'son. I also sell this set on my web site, KnitKnacks for Baby. It is made from a sport weight yarn. The applique' is 100% wool felt. The pattern is generated with 'KnitWare.' The colors are Royal Blue & Christmas Green. The wool felt works great as an applique' & can be machine washed & dried. I tried some of the felt from WalMart but didn't like the way it looked. I think it was made from recycled plastic. The felt that I am using now is much nicer & looks much better. I bought it on the web & the price was very reasonable. It comes in 12" x 12" squares & I can get at least 2 appliques' from each square. She has so many colors to chose from, I had a hard time deciding which to buy.
Monday, July 5, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010
This is a swatch that I knitted on my SR SK860. It is a fairisle design that I am going to use to make a sweater for my g'son. It will be a size 12 months. I am going to make some Brown pants to go with the sweater & maybe, if I have enuff yarn, a hat too!! I have an EC-1 Controller that I had rebuilt & still use for my 860 as it is not hooked up to my computer with DAK. This is one of the designs that came with the machine. My son & his wife are moving to Northern California & it does get cool there in the winter. I do believe that they get some snow there also. Both of them are expecting me to make some sweaters for them too. I try to knit every day but Sunday.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Another Sweater for the \women's Shelter
This is another sweater that I made for the Women's Shelter. It is a size 6. The pattern was generated by 'KnitWare' & is a raglan with stripes as you can see. It was knit on my Silver Reed SK860 with some Red Heart Super Saver. I try to make at least one sweater for the shelter every month, but business has been slow so am making more this month. I am using up some of my stash for these sweaters as I have tons of yarn in my garage & want it to go to a good cause. I look at all my yarn & ask myself 'where did it all come from'??
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Just Ducky Wool

This is my product. This is what I sell on my website 'KnitKnacks for Baby It is a 100% wool longie meant to be worn over cloth diapers. This one is for a baby girl & has a cute ruffle around the bottom of the leg. Wool absorbs moisture from a cloth diaper & keeps baby dry & comfortable. They work great for over night. There is a lot of support for mom's that want to cloth diaper as a way to cut down on the amount of trash that goes into landfills. Also, cloth feels better to baby than the disposable diapers. This one was knit on my Silver Reed SK860 with a pattern generated by 'KnitWare'. I have sooo much fun making them & love it when the mom's send me pix of baby wearing my diaper cover!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
This is a sweater that I made for the women's shelter here in town. It is a childs size 12 & made from Red Heart Super Saver. I make sweaters size 2-12 for the shelter & also make baby clothes for them. Here in Western Washington it is cool most of the time so we have the ideal climate for sweaters. This was knit on my Silver Reed SK860. It is a raglan sleeve with a shaped neck & flat back. I make a lot of the raglan sleeve sweaters for the women's shelter as I like to make them different color stripes so they will be more interesting to the children. This sweater was also designed with the 'KnitWare' program.
Monday, June 28, 2010
We have a New Baby!!!

We have a new baby born June 4, the day before Fathers Day. He was 6lbs 4oz & 18" long. His name is Erik Jr & his parents are calling him Junior. I'm calling him Ricky. LOL He has brown eyes & dark hair & very handsome!! He has a ton of new baby clothes, more than he can ever wear. Also, I have knitted him some sweaters for the cooler
weather & can't wait to try them on him. He was delivered in Salt Lake City, Utah in the early morning. Mom did very well & was happy to finally have baby in her arms. Dad was just as excited & happy, & held him too.

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Knitting for Kids!!
It is always a pleasure to knit for the special children in my life. This is a sweater that I made for my g'son. I wasn't satisfied with the way the floats showed throught the knitting, as I was hanging them every row. My g'son said they look like Christmas Trees!! LOL I am glad that he liked it anyway. I have since used this design & latched up the floats & hung them on every 10th row.
I felt that the sweater came out much nicer that way. This was knit on my Silver Reed SK840 using DAK for interactive knitting. The pattern was created with my trusty "KnitWare" program. This sweater has a cut & sew neck & is a drop shoulder & flat back neckline.

machine knit,
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